Vasil Nenov

Hi! My name is Vasil

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That's Me!

Thank you for coming to my page

I started becoming more involved with Data Science after starting my own business in Denver, Colorado. I love taking deep dives into data and figuring out how and why things work, finding hidden links and associations between different sets of data and ultimately creating solutions to complex problems.

In my spare time you might find me under the hood of a car, riding my bike around the city, trying out new food, or practising taking photos with my Nikon DSLR. I am always working on something exciting!

Featured Projects

UFO Visitor Dashboard

Dynamic table based upon UFO sighting dataset that will enable users to search and filter the table data for specific values

Belly Button Biodiversity Interactive Dashboard

Building interactive dashboard to explore Belly Button Biodiversity, which catalogs the microbes that colonize the human navel. A dynamic dashboard that updates all charts and graphs when a new sample is selected.Video Demo

Weather Web Design Challenge

Creating a visualization dashboard website plotting weather data with Python and OpenWeatherAPI of over 500 cities showing how weather changes depending on latitude, including a responsive data table


Featured Technologies

Python NumPy Pandas MatplotLib MySQL MongoDB ETL HTML Bootstrap D3.js Tableau